Sunday, November 21, 2010

Jeremiah House Ministry

Let's begin by giving God the credit.  What an incredible honor it is to serve Him through feeding the people!

We hosted our 12th annual Jeremiah House Thanksgiving Dinner Tuesday evening November 16th, 2010 beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Dozens of volunteers from several area churches came together to serve more than 200 meals to the JHouse community and their families.

This year we had a very special 'Magic Show' delivered by Pastor Mike of Sharp's Corner from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  He put on a great show while delivering a strong message of salvation.   We are blessed to be serving the Lakota people side by side with servants like Pastor Mike!

We also want to thank the wonderful student leaders that continue to serve with us from Frontier Scool of the Bible out of LaGrange, Wyoming.  They have been so faithful and willing to serve year round year after year.  Thank you Mr. Koester and everyone at FSB!

Special thanks also to Melody Leafgreen.  She has been our Kitchen Director from day 1.  She does an incredible work coordinating our supporting churches each week.  Currently we have volunteers from Bethel Baptist, Plymouth Congregational, Scottsbluff Zion, Grace Chapel, Lakota Lutheran, Hope Congregational Bayard, Frontier School of the Bible and others from time to time.  Thank you to everyone who serves with us!

Blessings to all,

Brian Hale

Jeremiah House Director

308 220-8260 

Location : 1812 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, NE 69361,
Posted via Blogaway on Android

Saturday, November 13, 2010

10 Biggest Website Mistakes

By Sandi Smith

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year, your website is presenting your company's image and message to prospective clients all over the world. With this phenomenal reach, you want to make sure your best image and best message are coming across.

Perhaps your website is not generating the interest you'd like it to and you'd like to find out why. Maybe you're just getting started in your new business and know you need a website, but don't know where to start. Possibly your website is doing great, and you'd simply like to take it to the next level.

Whether creating a new site or updating your existing site, here are some common pitfalls to avoid.

1. Unprofessional writing. It's easy to get so wrapped up in the web design portion of a website and forget about the words that go on the pages. Maybe the web designer does the design but not the writing. You might even find yourself writing the content at the last minute. Good writing is far more important than bling, and great copy from a professional copywriter will get your phone ringing.

2. Looking like all the other sites out there. Your business has something unique and different to offer its customers. Is that evident on your website? If not, you could be attracting the wrong type of customers, or worse, none at all.

When you hire a Webmaster, you'll want to make sure that s/he will design your site for you and your customers and not for himself/herself.

Your website will shine when it emulates your company's personality.

3. Not maximizing the eight seconds you have. web visitors - your potential prospects - will give you only eight seconds to wow them. Do you have your best stuff at the top of your home page? I mean the really good stuff, not just the stuff your mom is proud of!

You'll want to capture the attention of potential customers using the item that brings out the best in you. It might be a great tag line, a killer testimonial, a big award, a blue chip client list, or the like.

4. No credibility. Can web visitors check out your reputation on the web? You'll want to make sure your website comes as close as possible to feeling like a warm, personal visit with you. Do this by posting content that is designed to build your credibility.

As an example, this can include content that shows you have a track record of success: testimonials, case studies of current clients, and a client list.

If you have been mentioned in the press, include a press page on your website that lists the newspapers, magazines, radio talk shows, and other places where you've been mentioned.

5. No way to capture interested leads. People warm up slowly. Your web visitors might be interested in you but are not quite ready to call you or buy anything yet.

You'll want a way to keep track of these warm leads who will be ready to buy a few months down the road when they've gotten to know you better. There are several ways to gather leads from your website, depending on what you're willing to offer them. One method that is completely ineffective for capturing leads is to ask for information on your contact page. Just don't do it!

6. Not marketing your site. If you've spent all your money doing everything right, but you don't market your site, you may not get any visitors.

You'll need to spend at least a little time marketing your site through offline and online methods. For example, add your web-site name to the bottom of every email that you send. You can do this automatically by modifying the signature file in your email software.

You may also want to delve into the more advanced fields of search engine marketing and optimization.

7. Under construction. Many people's pet peeves is to click on a page and see an "under construction" message. It's inconsiderate of people's time to lead them down a dead-end alley, plus your website screams the message, "This person can't finish what they start." I'm sure that's not the message you wish to send.

8. Too much bling. In the name of being cute, many websites display obnoxious moving parts, flashing signs, or vacuous videos. Did you know most people hate that stuff?

Bling doesn't impress clients, except in three cases: kids' sites, sites that sell luxury items, and entertainment sites. If you have one of those sites, then you need bling. Limited bling is OK, timeless style is better, and meaningful, benefits-filled content is best.

9. Nonworking links, typos, or other mistakes. A site filled with errors tells people that its owner probably makes a lot of mistakes when delivering services. Even if the message is compelling, the red flag is there for people to see. People's intuition will tell them not to do business with you. A quick and thorough testing of the site will avoid this pitfall.

10. No goals. A lot of people come to me saying, "I want a website." I ask them, "What do you want it to do?" And they don't really know.

It's important to think about what you want your website to accomplish because that goal should be integral to the design of the site. The best sites lead their visitors to a certain outcome that is beneficial for both themselves and their customers.

When you can overcome these 10 common problems, your website can start to become a powerful and effective marketing tool for your business.

About the Author: Since 1993, Sandi Smith has helped individuals grow their businesses and live their dreams. She has made her clients millions by sharing her marketing methods, her entrepreneurial formula, and her millionaire mindset. Visit her website at

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Entrepreneurs - 5 Things You Must Do

By Joshua Black

If you are an entrepreneur there are a few critical tasks that you need to turn into a daily habit in order for your business to keep moving in a positive direction and to make you money. Read on to find out those key items and how you can add them to your daily routine.

Entrepreneurs have to wear many hats when a business is just starting. Many things need to be delegated to others in order for the business to run smoothly and there are a few things that you must do yourself. If you can create a habit of performing these 5 things every day, some for just a few minutes, then you will see your business grow right alongside your dreams:

1. Plan for the future a few minutes each day. Assume that your product has stopped selling all of a sudden. What direction will you take your company next? What new income stream can you add? This is a time for day dreaming and recording notes in preparation for the future. You don't necessarily have to take action on these items, but you need to think about them daily in order to bring out the golden ideas.

2. Work on your marketing in some aspect every day to get new customers. If your prospective customers don't know about you they won't buy from you. Work on getting your message out every day even if it is just for a few minutes.

3. Work on closing a sale every single day.  Whether you are doing this online, on the phone, through the mail, or face-to-face you need to be selling every day. Without the close of a sale there is no business. This is not something that you can delegate all the way. even if you have a sales force you need to be out there looking for deals.

4. Develop or strengthen your business network. You need to join or create a business network where you can help others and they can help you back. This is a great place to get free customers through referrals and an excellent mentoring opportunity using the mastermind principle.

5. Contact your current customers. Don't ever forget about the people that have already purchased from you. These are your best customers. They already like what you have to sell and they don't cost anything to acquire. Contact your current customers frequently, even if you are just saying hello. They need to know what you have to offer and they need to know you are still breathing. They won't seek you out. You must go to them.

About the Author: Joshua Black is an on-line infopreneur, marketing consultant, small business owner and copywriter dedicated to helping the bootstrapping small business owner succeed. Visit his flagship resource site for entrepreneurs at for the free Underdog Millionaire Wealth Pack: including 5 FREE e-books and daily wealth building tips for the bootstrapping small business owner- in the areas of sales, marketing, motivation, product creation and more.

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5 Questions To Ask Your Customers

By Deborah A Taylor

If you seem to be throwing lots of time and money at advertising with dismal results then these five questions could save you money and build customer loyalty.

Most business owners steer away from asking their customers what they really think about their products or services for fear that they may find fault. This is a "bury your head in the sand" mentality that limits your potential and your opportunities to stay ahead of your competition.

How do I know this? Because I have worked with dozens of small businesses, and most of them have never asked their customers what they think. When I work with businesses, one of the first things I do is call some of their customers because if the product or service is not up to scratch, bringing in more customers will do more damage than good.

So here's my top five questions and why you need to ask these.

1. How did you hear about us?
It is important to understand what marketing channels are working for you. If the majority of your new customers are coming from word of mouth referrals, create opportunities for more referrals. Don't spend your hard-earned cash on advertising to people who don't know and love you.

2. What was your main reason for choosing us?

I am constantly reminded that price is not the main reason people choose to do business with you. Consistently across the 70 industry sectors I have surveyed, trust that you can provide the right product or service is the No. 1 reason. But there are others and you need to know the reasons why customers choose you, because this is essential to your communication with existing and potential customers.

3. What is one thing we do really well for you?

This question gives you clues about why you are better than your competitors--and this creates opportunity to exploit your strong points in your marketing. Customers will tell you why you are better than the guy down the road. Your job is to make sure that you keep delivering well on your strengths.

4. Is there anything we could we do better?

This is the number one reason why business owners don't do customer surveys, yet this is vital information that you need to know. You need to know where the gaps are so you can plug them. Don't allow your weaknesses to be your competitors' advantage.

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to refer a friend or colleague to us, where 1 is not likely at all and 10 is extremely likely?

Those of you who are familiar with net promoter score will know that a customer who scores 9 or 10 is a strong referral source. You also want to ask them why they have given you this score so that you can understand what is important to your best customers and be sure that you continue to meet their expectations.
So there you have it. With the answers to these questions, you can create marketing plans that have a balance of strategies for attracting new customers as well as retaining existing ones. You will know what areas you need to work on and what you need to constantly keep on top of to avoid losing customers.

As I mentioned before, I have conducted dozens of surveys for my customers, and it has been very rare that a customer's customer does not want to participate. Any feedback about your business is great. It is not about you but what you can do for your customers to have a sustainable business.

About the Author: Debbie Taylor works with small and medium sized businesses to transform their business results. Her expertise is in marketing, business planning and sales and she has worked with clients in over 70 different industry sectors. You can find out more about Debbie, her business services and the results she has achieved for clients at

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