Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Riverside Zoo Official Website

The Riverside Discovery Center has a new website by Hale Multimedia LLC of Scottsbluff, Nebraska.  Visit

There have been several unofficial sites over the years and even some that are on the search engines still.  However, the only official site sanctioned by the RDC is the one mentioned above.  We are working on getting the folks who put up the unofficial sites to cooperate by either removing the old outdated sites, or by turning them over to the Riverside Discovery Center.

I have personally visited zoos from all over the world.   Sure, the San Diego Zoo and Omaha's Henry Doorley Zoo are some of the best in the country, and I will never forget my trip to the Berlin Zoo in West Germany either.  However, when it comes to small towns, The Riverside Zoo is so much better than most.  The worst 'big city' zoo I have every been to was the one in Austin Texas.  The Riverside Discovery Center Zoo blows them away - and Austin is the capital of a large, populated state!

One of my favorite features of the Riverside Zoo is their new Splash Pad.  Your children will love it.  Mine like to go to the zoo just to go to the Splash Pad sometimes when it's really hot.  Check out today and click on the cool photos of the animals you will see there!

The Scottsbluff-Gering area has a lot to be thankful for.  If you have been to other zoos in the country, you will understand and appreciate The Riverside Zoo and Discovery Center!  By the way, our 17 year old daughter designed the new website under our direction at Hale Multimedia LLC.  Our website portfolio can be viewed on our website at

Thanks for visiting, both virtually and physically!

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