Monday, November 26, 2012

App Development announced...

We'll see how long it takes for this to catch fire.  Many of you have been asking us for custom downloadable apps that can be made available through the iTunes and Google Play Markets.  Great news!  We are fully capable of creating any type of app imaginable (that does not contradict our values and mission at Hale Multimedia). 

We have already created two excellent apps, one for AgMarketOnline (our Ag Directory and Marketing Tool) and one for the Horseman's Corner radio program by Howard Hale.  This free app allows users to listen to any of the daily or weekend Horseman's Corner shows featuring some of the greatest minds in the horse world.  The app also allows users to post their horses for sale either in the Classified Ads section for only $5 per horse for two months or in the more elaborate Horses For Sale section for $35 per horse for six months of advertising.

We are quite excited about all the possibilities and are looking forward to working with our clients to build practical, effective apps for less than 1/2 of what the average going rate is.  Sure, anyone can build a free app themselves and that is a great option for some folks.  If that is you, then do it and let us help you promote it!  If you do not want to learn how to build apps, then we can do it for you.  Call us toll free 800 783-1103 or send us an email at

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